The Friendly Club
Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona


Sunday, March 22, 2009
Club Web Site
Editor:   Hans Granholm
If you have any comments or questions, email the editor.

Future Speakers
Mar 24 2009
Cindy Gordon
"Hearing Loss"
Mar 31 2009
Ted Griffiths
"Shelterbox Kits"
Apr 7 2009
No speaker
"Glenrose Hospital"
Apr 14 2009
Anna Piela
"Rotary Exchange Student"
Apr 21 2009
Mark Anielski
"Measuring Quality of Life and Sustainable well being"
Apr 28 2009
Chuck Morrison
"Microcredit "
May 5 2009
Dr. Jason Acker
"Elkhorn Coral"
May 12 2009
Jim Newman
"Head Protection"
May 19 2009
Ted Rose and Susan Hill
"Project Amigo"
Jun 9 2009
Jim Carter - Panel Chair - Carbon Capture
"Carbon Capture & Sequestration"
Jun 30 2009
No speaker
"Golf Tournament"
Jul 7 2009
Elizabeth Walker
"Herbs and Health"
Jul 14 2009
Rotary DG Terry Drader
Jul 28 2009
Steve Preece
"The Terry Fox Foundation"

Upcoming Events
2009 District Conference
May 14 2009 - May 17 2009


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Welcome to the Edmonton Strathcona Website
by Hans Granholm

Welcome to "The Friendly Club" and our Web Site. How to contact the site administrator. Click on 'More...' below.

free hit counter

Strathcona members and Other Users, if you are unsure how to log in, click online HELP, or contact the site administrator Hans Granholm
phone: 780-466-5566 any time.

For more information about our club, click HERE

For full information on our upcoming Speakers, click on the speaker's name.

Members can access the Club Constitution and By-Laws from ADMIN | CLUB DOCUMENTS after login.

Upcoming Events and Reminders in the next few days...
by Hans Granholm

No Birthdays or Anniversaries this week {:-(


Tuesday noon belongs to Rotary!

Look in "Upcoming Events" for other activities taking place in the near future.

New Bulletin Editor in 2009-10
by Hans Granholm

I am very pleased to accept Peter Denooy's move to assume the bulletin Editor responsibilities from July 2009.
New ideas and a fresh approach is always a good thing and I urge you to welcome Peter in that position by providing news and stories to him.
Peter has also indicated he wants to get more involved with the club website. He has already demonstrated a keen interest by providing the 'ClubRunner Minute' at our meetings.

In todays world, electronic and internet communication is vital. Our club has done very well with the powerful tools (ClubRunner) we have at our disposal, and we have received several awards over the years recognizing our effort.

If I am permitted, I will certainly always be available for help and consultations in any aspect of electronic communications.

I remain in my position as District 5370 Electronic Communications Chair and I have been asked by RIVP Monty Audenart to take on the role as Zone website coordinator which I have accepted.
A substantial effort is required to accommodate the zone realignment taking effect July 1 2009.


Hans Granholm
Skype or ooVoo IM name: greightdane


Little Known Facts You Can Live Without
by Hans Granholm

Some Little Known Facts

(that you probably don't want to know)

    • Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
    • Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
    • You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
    • Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
    • In ancient Egypt, Priests plucked every hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
    • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
    • The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. (From drinking little bottles of...?) (Did the govt. pay for this research??)
    • Polar bears are left handed.
    • The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds, that makes the catfish rank #1 for animal having the most taste buds.
    • The flea can jump 350 times its body length, It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
Jeong Sim resignation
by Hans Granholm

The board of directors have, with regret, accepted Jeongs resignation for the club as per his letter below:


Date: March 3, 2009


To: Ted Griffiths, President, Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona


From: Jeong Sim, Rotarian, 1901-15 Royal Ave E., New WestminsterBC,  V3L 0A9, 778-397-5313


Subject: Membership Transfer Application


Dear President Ted:

1).  I regret to inform you that Joo and I have decided to settle  in Vancouver where our grand children are growing up. We feel so strongly that a place for a grand parenting must be met when it is in dire need. They are in 5 and 3 years of age.  We wish to be a part of their growing ups. We don't want to miss that opportunity. Therefore, I am duly resigning my membership from the Strathcona club effective March 1, 2009.

2).  I have chosen the Burnaby Metro Town Rotary Club in BC to join immediately so that my membership and my services should be continued without interruption. This club is conveniently located at the KingswayMetroTown mall and is also reputed as a friendly club in BC (as Strathconians are). Please make effort to visit whenever you are passing by.

3).  The international project  "Feed the Children of North Korea" will be continued. This project will be further expanded by a wider support group from  BC clubs as well in a close collaboration with Alberta clubs including the Strathcona. You will be regularly updated with formal annual report on the project.

4). My make-ups have been made so far as  8/13/08, 1/15/09, 2/11/09, 2/4/09, 2/18/09, 2/25/09, which might be needed by my friend, Hans.

5).  Please send invoice to me anything I owe for my membership dues accrued so far to the date of my resignation, March 1, 2009. A check will be issued immediately as soon as it reaches me. Joo and  I would like to see you all perhaps on the president  turnover dinner in June or July if you be kind enough to invite us.






Jeong Sim,

1901-15 Royal Ave E. ,

New Westminster , BCV3L 0A9

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
by Hans Granholm

"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" is scheduled for February, March and April 2009.

February 7 , March 14 and April 18

This is a social program of the Edmonton Strathcona Rotary Club.
It is an opportunity for club members and spouses/companions to meet other club members in an informal, social, small group setting. Dates are all Saturday nights at 7:00.

Typically a Member would Host one month and be a Guest for two months. All Members are encouraged to participate - even if for only one month. The visitors should expect anything from spaghetti or pizza to steaks. The most important part of this program is the fellowship and the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Click on THIS LINK to open and register the event.

Need more info on the event?... call:

Bob Sandercock at 780-469-5571.

Questions about this registration format? call 466-5566 or e-mail Hans Granholm

Polio Plus Special Announcement
by Granholm, Hans

21 January 2009

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

This is another historic day for Rotary. Our organization was honored today to host philanthropist Bill Gates, Jr. at Rotary's International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA.

Speaking to 2009-2010 district governors-elect, Bill Gates, Jr. congratulated Rotarians on the success of the partnership between Rotary International and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to raise funds for polio. To date, Rotarians have already committed more than US$60 million toward the original US$100 million Gates challenge grant awarded in November 2007.

In recognizing Rotary's impressive fundraising success and steadfast commitment to polio eradication, Gates announced today that his foundation has decided to increase its challenge grant by US$255 million - for a total of US$355 million. By accepting the increase, Rotary also accepts the challenge to raise an additional US$100 million in matching funds by 30 June 2012 and drives the combined Rotary and Gates Foundation partnership's commitment to a total of US$555 million.

All of the resulting US$555 million will be spent in support of immunization activities carried out by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in polio-affected countries. The initiative is spearheaded by Rotary, the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNICEF. 

In another welcomed development today, the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) pledged 100 million (US$150 million) and the German government is giving an additional ?100 million (US$130 million), both to the GPEI. Contributions from the U.K. and Germany are separate and will not count toward Rotary's match of the Gates Foundation challenge grant. 

The infusion of funds is crucial if the world is to finally be rid of polio, a crippling, sometimes fatal disease that poses the highest risk to children. Although the initiative has reduced the number of polio cases by 99 percent over the past two decades, the wild poliovirus still persists in four countries -- Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan -- and imported cases from these endemic countries threaten other developing nations.

Your continued participation in this effort is crucial to making it a success.  The Rotary International Board of Directors and the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation have unanimously agreed to accept this challenge grant to ensure the success of the PolioPlus program. Rotary and the Gates Foundation intend for their funding partnership to set an example for the rest of the world. We feel confident that this extraordinary partnership will serve as a catalyst for further donations from others to help us realize the dream of a polio-free world.

When Rotary entered the fight against polio in 1985, we promised every child a world free from the threat of polio. We are almost there.  This funding agreement between Rotary and the Gates Foundation is a huge step forward, bringing us even closer to our goal.  Success is our only option.  Together we can End Polio Now.  For more information, please visit .

Dong-Kurn Lee               Jonathan B. Majiyagbe
President 2008-09          Chairman
Rotary International        The Rotary Foundation Trustees, RI

Bill Gates announces new US$255 million grant for
by Granholm, Hans


Bill Gates announced to attendees at the International Assembly on 21 January that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has contributed an additional US$255 million to Rotary International to help end polio worldwide. Rotary will raise another $100 million, bringing the total that the two organizations have pledged to the polio eradication effort to $555 million.

News Coverage

New York Times

Chicago Tribune


The International Herald Tribune  

2008-09 Exchange Student
by Granholm, Hans

We are very excited to resume our participation in the Rotary Youth Exchange program, one of the best and most rewarding programs in Rotary.

Anna Piela arrived on August 12 from Finland.

Anna is sponsored by District 1410 and we are sharing Anna with the Rotary Club of Edmonton South. She will be attending Strathcona High School.

Anna is currently hosted by Mirka and Peter Stoye. Please include Anna in your plans.

Co-hosting a foreign student is a wonderful opportunity to learn about other cultures by including the student in your family and social activities.

Please contact Don Henry h: 780-444-3746; b: 780-438-4208; e: for more information.


Rotary Canada Flag Project
by Hal Quilliam

The Edmonton Strathcona Rotary Club has  commenced a new fund raising project called

the Rotary Canada Flag Project.

The purpose of the project is to promote the demonstration of Patriotism for Canada by the subscribers and at the same time raise funds for charitable use and use in the community by The Rotary Club.


The project follows the precedent of similar successful flag projects by Rotary Clubs in the United States.

Under the project, Edmonton Strathcona Rotarians will visit homeowners and occupants of residences, and will obtain "Subscriptions" to the annual flag project.


The Rotary Club will provide "plantings" of a Canada Flag on the front lawn of subscribers three times per year in exchange for the subscription.  The plantings will take place on the three summer holidays weekends (Victoria Day)  (Canada Day) and (Labour Day)   After the holiday is over the Rotary Club will pick up the flag and store it for future use.


The subscription price is $50.00 per year and the subscriber is only required to show the general location of where the flag should be planted.  

Planting takes place by placing a metal stand in the ground on a spike, and is removed after the weekend is over with no damage to the lawn.  Continuing subscriptions will be sought.  Preparation of the flags, poles and spikes will be done  by Club members by way of  work parties.  

First plantings are expected for Labor Day 2008.



Is it in you?
by Hans Granholm

View the story on the District WebComCentre


Canadian Blood Services needs our help at its permanent donor clinic (8249-114 Street)

All eligible donors are encouraged to take an hour or so out of their schedule to save the lives of others.
Not sure if you can donate? Why not make an appointment and find out. Call 1-888-2 DONATE (236-6283

4-Way Test
by Hans Granholm

RI link: 4-Way Test
Web Site Advertising
by Hans Granholm


With the number of members in this club either owning or operating a business, we are getting a very poor interest in this nice little generator of funds for the club.
Are the rates too steep? I don't think so, but if you do, please let us know.
If you have any bright ideas on how to promote this little initiative, please speak up.

A web site and bulletin advertising feature is available to dedicated members who wish to sponsor an ad and support the club's endeavors.

It is an opportunity to go out in the community and solicit ads from businesses, and who knows, in the process of soliciting ads you may also find prospective new Rotarians.

Be sure to visit these sponsors by clicking on their ad

The fee is for members $20.00 for one month or $50.00 for three months or $150.00 for one year.
For non-members $30.00 per month or $70.00 for a quarter or $250.00 for one year.

The ad can be text or a logo. Either way it becomes a link and upon clicking will take the visitor to the sponsor's website or e-mail address.

Please have a look at the complimentary ads in the right column of any site pages and in the left column of the e-Strathconian.

NOTE: You will notice a link in the bottom of the right column of a site page "Interested in being a Website Sponsor?". This link opens a page with all the information.

Feedback and comments are very much appreciated. You can post comments on the FORUMS | CLUB WEB SITE | ADVERTISING. Or you can e-mail you-know-who.


TIP about where
by Hans Granholm

When Stories disappear from the front page and the bulletin layout, they don't disappear completely.
You can always click on the STORIES tab in the menu bar in the top banner.

Items will remain there for a reasonable period of time (still to be determined), but even after they disappear there, they can still be retrieved by contacting your website administrator.

Hans Granholm
Planning a Vacation?
by Graham Gilchrist

Lets go to a Rotary Convention......

2009                   Birmingham, England
2010                   Montreal
2011                   New Orleans

Edmonton Strathcona Guestbook
by Hans Granholm


Don't forget to encourage the use of our new GUESTBOOK

Do not forget we also have a FORUM where members can post their views and ideas on a variety of subjects. NOTE: You have to log in to access the private Forum.

Why not visit yourself and let's benefit from your feedback...
2007 - 2008 Annual Report
by Peter DeNooy

The 2007-2008 Annual Report, which includes Committee Reports and Financial Statements can be viewed by members of the Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona on the Club Documents page and is accessible from the Admin page.


Speaker Review - Mar 03 - Nicholas Spilios
by Jim Ashton

MOVIES...... When the club bulletin indicated the topic of today's presentation was "Movies", your editor was ready to break out the popcorn and see what developed.  The presentation, it turned out, was a "Movie Short", more about Nicolas' philosophy on "Happiness".

     While Nicholas Spilios' background is movies and freelance writing (he regularly attends the Toronto Film Festival to stay apprised of what is happening in the movie industry), his presentation today was on "Happiness", and the four core elements/philosophies that are the root of happiness in our lives.  They are, in no particular order; 1)  Count Your Blessings - Be grateful for what you have, be alive in your day to day activities, 2)  Share With Others - Do acts of kindness, impart your sharing philosophy to others, do a good deed daily, 3)  Learn to Forgive - Grudges keep you back, move past those situations or episodes that happened in your past, and 4)  Deal With Stress - Turn stress around and create a positive, learning experience.

     One comical anecdote that our presenter related to was an incident that occured to him was as a young man growing up in Greece.  He stopped into a store on his way to school, and, looking over various products, saw what was a chocolate coated laxative - Exlax.  Well, the word that caught his attention on the packaging was "chocolate", and so he purchased a package of this wonderful product.  He devoured a good part of the package on his way to school, popping one after another.  As it turned out, the packaging was absolutely bang on - it was definitely a laxative!  And, as laxatives are intended to do, it created a strong desire to visit the cubicles in the men's washroom.  One call to nature, then very shortly a second one, and finally a third request to leave the room for this most urgent call.  On the third occasion, the teacher told him in no polite way to stay seated at his desk.  Enough was enough!  Well, from this little episode, Nicolas utilized point number three in the above paragraph - "Learn to Forgive"  (two people - the salesperson who didn't expain the product was a laxative, and the teacher who kept him rooted to his seat after two desperate trips to the men's room.

     As a closing story to this positive presentation, President Ted related how one Christmas season he was in the Tim Horton's line-up, and, when he arrrived at the wicket for his coffee, was advised by the server that it had been paid for by the vehicle in front of him.  He never did find out who perpetrated this act of kindness.  Now, to this day, every Christmas season, Ted makes a point in paying for the order of the vehicle behind him when he is making a coffee stop.  As point three states....Share With Others.            

Speaker Review - Mar. 17 - Kim Shulha
by Jim Ashton

KIDS HELP PHONE...... Some fifteen years ago the national Junior League recognized the need for youth to have direct access to a confidential phone line/website, 24/7, where they could interact with counselors about their problems.  Out of this the Kids Help Phone was formed.

     Kim Shulha, as a member of the Edmonton Chapter Council, is directly involved with the Kids Help Line (KHL).  This former Rotarian did a great job presenting a brief, yet concise overview of what the KHL is about.

    Getting the message about the service out to their young clients eats up all of the marketing dollars raised.  Utilizing such popular TV programs such as Much Music, and creating informational posters to distribute throughout schools are but two of the key marketing methods used.  When you consider that grade five and up is where the targeted marketing is aimed, it's easy to see that the monies required to reach a national youth audience are in the millions of dollars. 

     The issues brought forth by todays youth include dating, abuse in all forms, alcohol, drugs, birth control, sex, realtionships and suicide, to start the list.  In other words, the questions are about LIFE.  Trained counselors field the phone calls, and respond on the website, utilizing a huge data base of professionals to refer clients to. 

     In the past year, some 2,000,000 individual calls/requests came in across Canada , of which a whopping thirty precent (30%) were issues requiring intervention.  Thirty thousand (30,000) of these calls were from the Edmonton area alone.  And, as Kim stated, how many of the remaining seventy percent (70%) would not have fallen into the more serious thirty precent bracket were it not for this service?

     The demand is so strong that the website alone has a forty-six precent (46%) increase in traffic, sometimes overloading and crashing the site. And, with all organizations such as KHL, fundraising is critical to it's continued success.  A couple of popular fundraisers are the "Walk for Kids Help Phone", which raised some $3 million across Canada last year with 20,000 walkers participating, and the local Christmas Home Decorating program, in which five homes in the Glenora area were decorated to the hilt at Christmas time, and then tours of the homes were charged out.

     Kim thanked the Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona for it's contributions over the years, noting that we had doubled our financial contribution this past year over the previous year.  Another project that we can be proud of.  Well done Rotarians!       

How secure is all this data?
by Hans Granholm

No need to worry. ClubRunner secures all your private information using the latest security technologies.

Private information is secured using 128-bit encryption, and all access requires unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted, for example, a member can only see a list of membership in his or her club, and his or her own personal information.

Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.

Your information is kept private; to review ClubRunner's Privacy Policy, visit
Privacy Policy
by Hans Granholm

Privacy laws were recently implemented in Canada...

The District Privacy Policy is listed on the WebComCentre, front page story or on our front page at the bottom of DOWNLOADS.