How are you? I hope everything’s great in Edmonton! I’d like write a message to the Rotary - e-Strathconian about what I’ve been doing lately. Could you please do it for me? Here it is what I’d like to say to everyone there:

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a while since I last wrote something, but I must say I’ve been very busy lately. Last year I started University and I’m taking Civil Engineering. It’s a nice University and an enjoyable course but also very hard. I spent almost the whole past year on classes and libraries.  Everything went well, I passed all my exams and I’m looking forward to what’s coming now. I’ve been cycling a lot and surfing as well. Brazilian summer is something you all have to check at least once in life. This summer, for example, a friend of mine from Belgium (who was an exchange student hosted by the Sherwood Park Rotary Club) came to visit me at Christmas and New Year’s time. We had lots of fun together and remembered all our good experiences in Canada. I hope everyone is doing great there and I hope to see you all soon as well. I’ve been saving money for a trip and Canada will be my first destination. I’d like to read personal news from you all, so if you want to, my e-mail is I’d love to keep in touch with you. I miss Edmonton a lot!

Take care! From the brazilian exchange student, Lucas.

I hope it’ll fit well. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time, but I’ve been very busy. I hope you haven’t forgotten me yet hahaha. I miss Canada and you all! And thanks a lot!
