September 26, 2019
Kelly Falardeau

topic: TBA

At the age of 2, Kelly Falardeau was in a tragic accident that severely burned 75% of her body. Her life was forever changed in that moment as she endured numerous surgeries. Due to the visibility of her scars, it led to being an easy target for bullying and feeling isolated because others were uncomfortable in her presence. This led to feeling unwanted, ashamed and unloved.

Aside from the challenges of adolescence and discovering true self love, her story has blossomed into one of true INSPIRATION. Kelly has become a successful speaker and best selling author. Kelly found a way to go from near-death to success; from the ugly scar-faced girl to the Top 10 Most Powerful and Influential Speakers, Fierce Woman of the Year, Best-Selling Author (4 times), recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and YWCA Woman of Distinction 2013.

You have to ask yourself how? How did a burn survivor who constantly struggled with rejection, staring and teasing burst through all the negativity in her life to succeed? You have to hear her speak, read her books or watch her documentary to learn her story. What your audience will take away: Empowerment, Renewed Hope ,Confidence, Self-Awareness, Motivation, Self-Worth, & Self-Love

You can watch the 1.5 min video of Kelly's story and the still beautiful documentary at

October 10, 2019
Ferry Zandvliet

topic: Look for the Positive

My story is all about how the most terrifying ordeal made me a much happier person than I was before. That it enriched my life in a way that I would never have imagined. But something that everyone in this world can relate to because my story is just about a setback. And don't we all have setbacks?

On Friday, 13 November 2015, I attended a concert by the The Eagles of Death Metal at the Bataclan theatre in Paris. That evening 89 people were shot dead and 300 wounded. There were another two attacks in Paris that night. In total 129 people were killed. It was a night that changed my whole life. Chronic insomnia, hyper-alertness, anxiety and serious PTSS problems dominated my life since that night from hell.

I noticed that while my immediate environment became harder and angrier, I personally felt the opposite. The social hardening around me forced me to speak up; I refused to be angry with the perpetrators, nor did I let people scare me. A week later, I again attended a concert, and I formed an intense friendship with the father of one of the terrorists who blew himself up in Le Bataclan.

By letting go of my anger and not giving in to my fear, my life has been enhanced. It is almost a spiritual journey and an enrichment of my life. People in my country, the Netherlands, supported us following a life television broadcast with Humberto Tan. I will never forget the support from the entire country.

I have now started a support group for victims of terrorism in the Netherlands; have taken steps to improve the treatment of victims (something that was not there for us at the time), and am sharing my story. This has grown naturally. Talking about what happened gave me much support in terms of processing my emotions in the beginning. I hope that people realize that it is senseless to give in to fear and anger through my story; you end up limiting yourself… I should know! Come and listen sometime soon

October 24 2019
Astrid Yee-Sobraques

topic: Two Sprigs of Thyme

Two Sprigs of Thyme is a chef-owned culinary arts pursuit specializing in healthy eating.

At the heart of Astrid's approach to cooking is the notion that loving-kindness is essential to flavor.

Two Sprigs of Thyme was born out of the realization that loving kindness is the essential ingredient to achieving great taste.

At its core, sensational cuisine is the transmission of energy from the Chef to the diners, and takes food types into consideration that are compatible with their constitution. Eating healthy can and should equate with appetizing food. The awareness that one has options for dietary restrictions eliminates feelings of deprivation regarding gluten or dairy intolerance for example.

Great cuisine uses quality produce and protein to create simple recipes that promote a connection with both nature and food growers. The excessive addition of certain ingredients, such as butter and cream, is often not necessary.

Lastly, sensational food fosters conviviality, bringing people together to share good moments, another must of healthy eating well recognized in Asian cultures.

In a nutshell, healthy eating is a string of decisions toward a more optimal life posture.

Astrid was born and raised in France where seasonal, organic and locally-sourced products abound. At a young age I learned the importance of healthy eating. More recently, I have discovered great substitutions to ingredients such as gluten and sugar, without sacrificing flavor and enjoyment.

As a professionally trained chef, she created Two Sprigs of Thyme as a culinary arts pursuit specializing in healthy eating. Her desire is to provide the experience of wellbeing and joy through food. Just as one might feel on a delightful summer day sitting in the fields: time is suspended, infinite and peaceful; one feels restored and nurtured.

That sliver of time, taken out of hectic lives, creates an opening for reconnecting with the fundamental aspects of life:

       •   A sense of connection with others
       •   A safe space to ground oneself in peace
       •   Spiritual nourishment

Octber 31, 2019
Leeza Garber, Esq.

topic: Just in Time for Halloween: The Latest Scary Cyber-Scams

Leeza Garber, Esq., is a consultant and attorney, specializing in cybersecurity and privacy law. Leeza is also an adjunct law professor at Drexel University's Kline School of Law focusing on information privacy. She appears as an analyst on Fox News and Fox Business, providing expert insight on cybersecurity, privacy, social media and tech news. Leeza has been published in The Legal Intelligencer, Law Technology Today, and WIRED. Leeza is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

November 14, 2019
Coren Johnathan Allen

topic: TBA

Coren Jonathan Allen is a native of Salem, Oregon, on the West Coast of the United States of America, and has experience in more than 29 countries throughout Africa, North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Coren brings an extraordinary perspective to peacebuilding, conflict prevention and diversity education. The breadth of knowledge gained through 27 years of travel and work experiences has given him a unique and multi-cultural perspective that is now the foundation upon which The Kambimbi Academy is built. With a passion to fight Hate and prejudice in every corner of the planet, Coren is on a mission to celebrate human equality, by bringing a message of enduring hope to humanity.

A 1994 graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, Coren is a retired US Army Soldier having served the United States Army in capacity as either a Cadet (student) or Soldier, since completing Cadet Basic Training during the summer of 1990 through January, 2016.

As a combat helicopter pilot, he is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and as a theater logistics planner, a veteran of Operation United Assistance which served as a vital component of the international humanitarian response to the Ebola Virus Disease, Crisis in West Africa (Liberia)

Additionally, with 42 months experience on the continent of Africa, he served on 28 missions in 10 countries facilitating the training of more than 10,000 Soldiers and civilians from the United States and 20 sovereign African nations. Training with Host and Partner nations ranged from countering violent extremism, gender based violence, to peacebuilding, United Nations and traditional operations.

The Kambimbi Academy is a comprehensive, international student partnership program whereby students in disparate countries participate in a parallel, dynamic, in-class experience with the intentional design of dissipating today's clear and present Contagion of Hate and the influences of evil before they are translated into violence; thereby creating a positive shift in social norms, driving this shift to become policy and inciting the exponential, global reproduction of Good.

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