Subject: Rotary - eBulletin - Jun 14, 2011
From: "Rotary Club of Albert Park" <>
Date: 14 Jun 2011 20:36:56 -0400

Rotary Club of Albert Park - eBulletin

Rotary Club of Albert Park


Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Club Web Site
Hello Robert! This email has been generated just for you as a member of our club. We hope you enjoy receiving this newsletter!
Editor:  Robert Redpath
If you have any comments or questions, email the editor.

Future Speakers
Jun 15 2011
Paul Zappa
"Be the Hero"
Jun 22 2011
David Smyth RC Brighton
"Voilence Free Families"
Jul 27 2011
Paul Dean & Trio
"Artistic Director ANAM"

Upcoming Events


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ClubRunner Sponsors
Please visit our Sponsors.
To place your ad click here.

Club Site Sponsors
10% discount on CPAP equipment for all Rotarians. Ph.1300 365 561 BIRDHealthcare
Bakers Delight 250 Claredon St Sth Melb 3205
Hocking Stuart 332 Montague St Albert Park 3206
Please visit our Club Website Sponsors.
To place your ad click here.
Bulletin No. RCAP...735
by Robert Redpath

Wednesday June 15th, 2011
Our Club Website Address is

This Weeks Speaker Paul Zappa "Be the Hero"

PAUL ZAPPA - Be the Hero

Paul is closely involved in the "Be the Hero" program. Be the Hero! is a violence prevention program designed for use in groups of young men. Be the Hero! was developed and trialed by the Victorian Women's Trust and found to be effective with  mainstream groups of boys in years 9 and 10.It has been iniated due to funding from Vichealth.

Paul is Director of NIRODAH Pty. Ltd. a company that he established in 2009 to provide support to schools in the areas of Education, Allied Health and Training.

For more information visit

Computers for Mibbinbah Indigenous Mens Group
by Kerry Kornhauser

Computers for Mibbinbah Indigenous Mens Group

In very good news RCAP has secured 50 computers with software for the Mibbinbah Indigenous Mens Group. The cost to the club is about $25 per machine for software licensing – so that is an excellent outcome.

The mens group is delighted and they are going to Kuranda, Herberton, Mount Isa, in North Queensland, Croydon Victoria, and Tamworth in NSW, Darwin, Port Augusta and Perth. These communities are very keen to be involved with the community project.

It is expected that it will be an ongoing project for 2011/2012.

New Bulletin/Web Editor
by Loretta Michaelsen

Hi All,
Just letting you know that Robert Redpath is now the Bulletin/Web editor and this is his first bulletin (please excuse any errors or ommisions as he gains mastery of the  technology). 

I will be on leave for the next few weeks and on my return will be moving to another position within the club, but would like to wish Robert every success in this role I have no doubt that Robert will do a great job and have lots of interesting reading for you all.

So please remember if you have any items you want published make sure you send them to Robert on   0428 254 293

Wool Donation

Pictured Mary Kingsbury for the Kilbride Centre greatfully accepting a donation of fashion wool from the Rotary Club of Albert Park. It is intended that this wool is to be used by the young female asylum seekers currently awaiting status. They will be able to make fashion garments for sale at the up and coming fete. The fete is expected to be held in Oct 2011. Our club have also donated several pattern books from our Book Store to assist with this project as well.
Change Over Dinner

Please join us in celebrating our achievements of the  
2010/2011 Rotary year and welcome the 2011/2012 Leadership Team at the

photo   photo

Rotary Club of Albert Park Changeover Night 
Friday July 1st 2011

7.00 pm

Venue:   Waterfront Restaurant, Station Pier, Port Melbourne
$65.00 per head including pre-dinner drink

Other drinks at bar prices.

RSVP 20th June 2011
Richard Goss

Westpac Rotary Club of Albert Park

BSB 033305 Acc 143281

You will need coins for parking meters

Click HERE to download flyer

Last Weeks Speaker - Angela Forbes


Last week we had the pleasure of hearing ANGELA FORBES, CEO Connections speak of some of the challenges of working with vulnerable and disadvantaged families and young people. Amgela gave a number of examples of the very practical help that can allow her organisation to connect with families and then potenially address the issues that confront people.

Wheelchairs for Cambodia
by John Roberts

Vocational team member John Roberts, with Wayne Slattery of the 'Wheelchairs for Cambodia' program were at the handover at DIK in Sunshine.
Wayne has arranged for the chairs to go to Cambodia via Qantas. They will be allocated to disabled children who have lost legs through land mine explosions.
These kids are presently only mobile because they can drag themselves along the ground on their hands or arms.
"This will absolutely change the live of 5 children in Cambodia. They will now be mobile enough to attend school and develop real independence" Wayne said after the handover.
He sincerely thanked the Rotary Club of Albert Park for their efforts and hoped that more assistance might eventuate when he has another "free" freight arrangement in place.
June is Rotary Fellowship Month


  • Share a common interest in worthwhile recreational activities (sports, hobbies, etc.);
  • Further  vocational development through acquaintance with others of the same profession;
  • Make new friends around the world;
  • Explore new opportunities for service; and
  • Have fun and enhance their experience in Rotary.
    What are the benefits for Rotarians in joining the Rotary Fellowships? Fellowship provide opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own Club, District or country. Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. Also, Fellowships serve as an incentive for attracting new members to Rotary and retaining our existing members. Indeed, Rotary Fellowship, together with the Rotarian Action Groups, serve as an effective tool in promoting membership development and should be actively promoted in our Districts.

Members of the Scuba Diving Rotary Fellowship show their club banner underwater.

Interested Rotarians can join a Rotary Fellowship by clicking or even start a prospective Rotary Fellowship if their recreational or vocational interest is not in the list of approved Rotary Fellowships.

Foundation News

TRF Logo.jpg  Polioplus endpolio.gif Health hunger humanity.gif

The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profitcorporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

If you did not get to read the attached articles last week please spare some time this week to open and read. Both have some valuable and interesting information.

Click HERE  May 2011 Foundation News D9800 Edition 4 2010-2011

Click HERE  June 2011 Issue 108 Foundation Newsletter for Rotary Leaders

The Texan Connection

District 9800 and District 5840  The Rotary Club of Albert Park   
is in Club Partnership
 and as been paired with
The Rotary Club of Beorne Noon

What's Happening At the Rotary Club of Beorne Noon this week.
Click on there web page and find out

To find out what this partnership program is about click the following -


District 9800 Networker

Stay connected to what is happening in your district.
Networker is our District 9800 weekly newsletter,
filling the information gap that exists between club bulletins: Rotary Down Under and Rotary World.  Networker showcases the activities of our Clubs through caricature editor Clarice.
Members are encouraged to subscribe to Networker at:

Door Roster - NEW!


Members rostered on for Door Duty who are not be able to attend please ensure that you have made a replacement for that evening.

July 2011    Alan Adams,     Vicki Bird,      Ian Henry,            Yvonne Flanders
August       Rosie Annois,    Yvonne Conn, Brian Beaumont,    Chris Catchlove
September  Judy Nicholson, Helen Harris,   Lorraine McIldowie, Robert McIldowie
October      Richard Goss,   Maxine Miller,  Kevin Mooney,       Tessa McGuigan
November   Terry Moroney, Ian Wavish,    Henry Michaelsen,   Kate Staniforth
December   Greig McEwan,  Jenny Grebler, Gerry Phillips,        Joan Robison


For all other queries about the door roster please contact Helen Harris
Community Meals

Rotary Club of Albert Park Community Meals

Want community Meals Instructions. Please login, go to My ClubRunner Box, Click on View Club Documents, then click on Community Meals Instructions. 
Please Note
that each server is responsible to ensure that any changes are advised to
Paul on 0417 567 747 or email 



DATE Captain Co-Server Emergency
June 4 John Roberts Paul Flakus Richard Goss
June 11 Paul Flakus Rosie Annios Kevin Mooney
June 18 Ian Wavish Paul Flakus Jim Prokhovnik
 June 25 Jim Prokhovnik  Paul Flakus Liz De Nitis
Club Meetings

Want to come to our meetings.

The Rotary Club of Albert Park  meet  Wednesday evenings at Lifesaving Victoria,  200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne 
6.00pm for 6.30pm start. 

Visitors are always welcome to attend.  Should you be considering attending please contact our secretary Judy Nicholson on 0419 366 740  so necessary meal arrangement can be made.


Club Presidents

Club Presidents

Club Chartered

Jim Corsie

Doug Wade

Gad Kolsky

Rob Denton

Ann White

Loryn Clark

David Gorman

Vicki Teschke

Mark Mills

Gerry Phillips

Clifton Warren

Yolanda Pettinato

Jessie Bainbridge

Jim Prokhovnik
Jenny Hunter
Ken Hall
Ian Henry

Joan Robison

Michael Perry

Robert's Commitments