Bulletin No. RCAP...722
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
Our Club Website Address is http://www.clubrunner.ca/albertpark
Meeting Change of Venue Wed 9th March 2011
Please Note
This weeks meeting will be held
at the Fleece Hotel, 120 MontagueStreet (off City Road, cnr Buckhurst St) Port Melbourne,
6.00pm for 6.30pm start.
This Weeks Speaker - Wayne Dalton
Ports and Park Community Bank
Our speaker this week will be Wayne Dalton,
the Chairman of the 'Parks
and Port Community Bank Project'. Wayne has taken over the responsibilities of running the steering committee which is endeavoring to start a Community bank to serve the needs of the communities of Port Melbourne, Middle Park and Albert Park.
Last Weeks Speaker - Tina Thomas
Last weeek we had
Tina Thomas a Training Coordinator for Lifeline based in Melbourne at the Wesley Mission speak at our meeting. Lisa spoke about the 24 hour telephone crisis line lifeline provides, which connects people with care by providing services in Suicide Prevention, Crisis Support and Mental Health Support. That Lifeline has 3,500 volunteer Telephone Counsellors their training and envolvement. Lisa was most interesting and informative and we would like to thank her for her time and presentation.
Help Earthquake, tsunami victims in Japan
Foundation sets up fund to help earthquake, tsunami victims in Japan
Rotary International News -- 11 March 2011
In response to the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on 11 March, The Rotary Foundation established the Rotary Japan and Pacific Islands Disaster Recovery Fund, which will support recovery projects in the affected areas. The 8.9-magnitude earthquake, Japan's largest in the last century, caused a devastating tsunami that swept over northern coastal towns. More than 200 people are confirmed dead, but government officials say the death toll will rise. Rotarians, clubs, and districts can contribute cash and District Designated Fund (DDF) allocations to the fund. Learn more. The Foundation will begin accepting online contributions by 14 March. Download a PDF with answers to frequently asked questions.
Letters From Abroad
The Rotary Youth Exchange site has moved to: http://www.rotaryyouthexchange.org.au
Click the following link http://www.rotarydistrict9800.org.au/site/1164/Youth%20Exchange%20Letters.pdf for the 1st publication called "Letters from Abroad", a newsletter from New Generations, The District Youth Exchange committee, which relates to 2010-2011, Youth Exchange Students stat have just returned home and recently back home and into D9800.
This publication is outstanding and I encourage you to click on the link and read the most inspiring stories. A big thankyou to Dr Barry Mullen who designed and published the article and Vanda Mullen for his initiative.
Super Sunset Series 2011
Volunteers required for BBQ.
The Rotary Club of Albert Park have been once again been asked to provide the BBQ catering for the Super Sunset Series events. The club needs at least 6 members or friends to be in attendance for each event. Should you be able to help please let David Gorman know on david.gorman@dcgconsulting.com.au 0411 806 140.
Three down two to go. Wed 2nd Feb, Melbourne Zoo, Wed 16th Feb 2011 Princes Park, Wed Mar 2nd Tan Track all being a hugh success with our club catering for approximately 900 participants at each event. Great work Rotary Club of Albert Park
4. Wednesday 23 March 2011 - Docklands
Please let David know if you can assist on this night.
The Super Sunset Series
The Docklands Dash
Networker is our District 9800 weekly newsletter, filling the information gap that exists between club bulletins: Rotary Down Under and Rotary World. Networker showcases the activities of our Clubs through caricature editor Clarice.
Members are encouraged to subscribe to Networker at: http://www.rotarydistrict9800.org.au/Members/NetworkerSubscribe |
Mug Collection
Albert Park rotarian
Yvonne Flanders is collecting mugs for Queens Road (Sacred Heart). If you have any mugs you can donate Yvonne
will collect them at Rotary this Wednesday evening. (great opportunity to get hid of those mugs no longer used)
Footy Tipping Competition
The Rotary Club of Melton Valley's Annual AFL 2011 Footy Tipping Competition is about to launch again. See if your friends and acquaintances and interested and can help some great, worthy Rotary projects.
1. Every extra member in the contest helps raise the prize money but also allows Rotary to do extraordinary projects here in our own communities all for just $2.00 per week.
2. To join go to
For every 10 members signed up by your club or non-profit group Rotary will donate $120.00 to your group.
3. Remember if you are joining as part of a group online you need to include your company or organization's name when registering.
Any queries please contact Ross Butterworth 0411 228311
Relay for Life
Albert Park Event Details:
Date: April 30 & May 1 2011
Start Time: 10:30am Finish Time: 10:30am Location: Albert Park Lake
RCAP require volunteers to run the BBQ for the evening of the 30th April and for Breakfast on the 1st May.
RCAP would also like to put together a team to run in this event.
Click HERE or click on the link above for more information.
If you are interested in either being part of this event, helping at the BBQ or making your own team please contact -
Liz De Nittis lizdenittis@ozemail.com.au 0407 321 200.
The Texan Connection
District 9800 and District 5840 -
Club Partnersh
The Rotary Club of Albert Park
as been paired with
The Rotary Club of Beorne Noon
What's Happening At the Rotary Club of Beorne Noon this week.
Click on there web page and find out http://www.boernerotary.org/
To find out what this partnership program is about click the following -http://www.rotarydistrict9800.org.au/community_partners_taxan_connection |
Call for Rotary Peace Applications
Click HERE to download application and flyer |
District Conference - Adelaide
District Conference March 31 - Apr 2, 2011 Adelaide
The 79th Annual Rotary District 9800 Conference.
Please click the link below for latest information -
Book Store Roster
The (old) Galilee School building at the Parish of Sts Peter & Paul, Cnr Bank & Montague Streets, South Melbourne.
Roster. Members required to cover the following shifts. Can be either a 2 or 4 hour shift.
Morning 10am - 12pm
Afternoon 12pm - 2 pm
Mar 19
1.Jennny Grebler 2.Kate Staniforth & Helen Harris
1. Jenny Grebler
Mar 26 |
1. Jenny Grebler
1. Jenny Grebler
Apr 30 |
1. Jenny Grebler
1. Jenny Grebler
Please let
Deb Renshaw-Jones know of your availability -
0438 250 908 or email: Deb.Renshaw-Jones@visionaustralia.org or should you have any queries please contact J Grebler 0403 841 044 jengreb@hotmail.com
Door Roster
MAR 2011
Liz De Nitis,Vicki Teschke, Stan Teschke, Jim Prokhovnik.
APR 2011
Jeremy Paton,Deb Renshaw-Jones, Joan Robison,Ray McInnes.
MAY 2011
Phil Schols, Michael Walstab, Kate Staniforth, Paul Sullivan.
JUN 2011
Ian Wavish, Robert Redpath, Yvonne Flanders, John Roberts.
If you are unable to fulfill your door duty, please speak to another member and organise a replacement for yourself.
For all other queries about the door roster please contact Terry Moroney 0409 006 285
Community Meals
Rotary Club of Albert Park Community Meals
Want community Meals Instructions. Please login, go to My ClubRunner Box, Click on View Club Documents, then click on Community Meals Instructions.
Please Note that each server is responsible to ensure that any changes are advised to
Paul on 0417 567 747 or email
Date Captain Co-Server Emergency
Mar 12
Paul Flakus
Alan Fitzgerald
Jim Prokhovnik
Mar 19
Richard Goss
Paul Flakus
Yvonne Flanders
Mar 26
Paul Flakus
Yvonne Flanders
Ivo Georgiev
Apr 2
Chris Lovett
Del Lovett
Paul Flakus
Apr 9
Paul Flakus
Helen Harris
Michale Walstab
Apr 16
Paul Flakus
Ian Wavish
Ken Hall
Invitation to Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition
17 March from 3 - 9pm
18 & 19 March from 10 - 3pm
Professional Artwork for Sale
St Silas Church, Bridport Street, Albert Park
Proud participant in the Albert Park Carnivale
Thats all for this week. by Loretta Michaelsen
If you have any good Rotary articles, photo's or information please forward to me as I would be more than happy to pubish in the bulletin.