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Bulletin No. RCAP...687
Wednesday June 2, 2010
Our Club Website Address is
| Presidents Message by Joan Robison
I am nearing the end of my year as President of the Rotary Club of Albert Park.
It has been a very wonderful and rewarding experience. An experience I would never have visualized 5 years ago. As a charter member of this great Club I have seen Presidents come and go and I have "stolen" some of their best ideas. I am a firm believer in not reinventing the wheel and if something is successful keep it going.
My Board of Vicki Teschke (Secretary) Phil Scholes (Treasurer) Stan Teschke (Community) Kerry Kornhauser (Club Services) Jim P. (New Gens) and Jeremy Paton / Richard Goss (International) and Tess McGuigan (Vocational), have guided me and been a great support throughout the year. I have met some wonderful people from other Clubs and Districts and their inspiration has been amazing.
I still have a lot to do in this next month. The Book Club is starting to fire up and the Guest Speakers group have got some fantastic speakers booked well ahead into end of
July. This week has been a busy one with the new Rotary Club of Melbourne Park
being chartered with 25 wonderful young people who are so energetic and ready to take on the world. The Shine on Awards is an event I urge you all to attend and become involved with. Inspiring disabled people who don't let their disabilities hamper them into going out and achieving what normal bodied people do. We joined Melbourne South over the weekend working with the boys from Melbourne Grammar raising funds for the Red Shield Appeal.
All in all its been a busy Rotary week.
| This Weeks Speaker Ray Campbell
Ray Campbell
National Commodore
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard
The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard is an organisation composed entirely of volunteers, formed in 1961 to promote safety in the operation of small craft. It guards the coast in the most effective way - initially by education, example, examination and finally by search and rescue. The Australian Volunteer Coast Guard has no law enforcement powers and enjoys a reputation for being helpful and courteous to all boat owners.
Australia, the world's largest island, has a coastline of 19,650 kilometers (12,210 miles). 90% of Australia's population lives within 120km of the coast and over 70% live in the coastal belt from Cairns in Queensland to Adelaide in South Australia.
Flotillas and radio bases are located from the Skardon River in the Gulf of Carpentaria, down the eastern sea board to Ceduna in South Australia, including Tasmania and major inland lakes and weirs. Expansion is continuing in areas of need.
Ray Campbell first joined the St Kilda Flotilla or VF2, in Victoria in 1983 and held the position of Flotilla Purser for one term prior to forming the VF05 Flotilla At Lake Eppalock in 1995 where he was appointed as Flotilla Commander, a position he held for five years until 1990. Ray was elected as the Squadron Commodore of Victoria in 1995 and was serving his 4th term as Squadron Commodore when elected as the National Commodore. Ray has represented Victoria at a national level both during his terms as Victorian Commodore and previously as the Deputy National Commodore.
| Last Weeks Speaker - Adam Smith
Adam Smith - CEO Foundation for Young Australians
Last week we have the priviledge of listening to Adam Smith at our club meeting. Adam who is one of Australia's most talented young executives is working with
The Foundation for Young Australians committed to improving the learning outcomes and life chances of young people. He addressed the issues of Cyber bullying and living with everchanging technology. Ultimately, his long-term vision is for an Australia where all young people achieve their full potential and are valued by
We would like to thank Adam very much for his time and great presentation which was
most interesting and enjoyable
| Shine on Awards
Shine on Awards - Sunday 30 May, 2010
The Rotary Shine on Awards was held over the weekend and our Club's nominee Prue Watt, received a Certificate of Commendation. There were 30 other nominees and all of their stories were amazing and their individual achievements were inspiring!
President Joan has invited Prue to speak at our club in the next couple of weeks, please find enclosed some information about her:
Prue Watt was born premature at only 24 weeks. High levels of oxygen resulted in burnt and scarred retina's which limited the distance that Prue could see (approx. 2 metres) also severely limiting her peripheral vision, especially in her right eye. Scientifically termed Retinopathy of Prematurity, her condition has presented challenges, however she has learnt to adapt and live a normal and successful life.
Prue played a number of sports growing up including netball, tennis, surf life saving and cross country running.
Through her interest in surf life saving Prue became a keen swimmer at an early age, displaying talent in all four strokes that lead to competing at state and national levels by age 14.
Prue's level of swimming ability improved quickly with training and competition experience and she was soon selected to swim at national competitions.
Prue has won many medals over her swimming career and was awarded Junior Female Paralympian of the Year in 2004, awarded NSW Junior Athlete with a Disability in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, has represent Australia in both the Athens 2004 Paralympics and the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing.
Prue has had the honour of being an Australia Day Ambassador in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and is currently working part time at Vision Australia and studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences at Deakin University in Melbourne,
hoping to eventually work in the field of Occupational Therapy with kids with disabilities.
Congratulations Prue and we look forward to welcoming you to the Club in the coming weeks!
| Change Over Luncheon
The Rotary Club of Albert Park
Change Over Luncheon
Sunday 4th July 2010

Farewell RCAP President 2009/2010
Joan Robison & Welcome RCAP President 2010/2011
Michael Perry
Life's a Party Powerhouse Function Centre Lakeside Drive, Albert Park
12.00 for 12.30 Start 5pm Finish 2 Courses, Drinks Included $100.00 All Inclusive (revised amount)
Special Guest Entertainment Russell Morris
Dress Smart Casual Club Awards to be presented
Come and celebrate this once a year occasion
Members please bring your family/ friends and join us in this special occasion
Enquiries Kate Staniforth 0410 476 410 or Lorraine McIldowie 0412 315 515
Payment: Cheque, Cash, EFT or Credit Card please contact the above with your payment details.
Click HEREfor flyer
| Asylum Seeker Employment Project - Profiles
The Rotary Club of Albert Park
together with members from
Brigidine Asylum Seekers
are working together on the
Asylum Seeker Employment Project.
The first
challenge facing new arrivals in Australia is to find a job. Another big challenge is to become known in the local community. These two challenges are connected. It is said that 80% of job vacancies are never advertised and that many jobs are filled through word of mouth or through networking. Networking is talking to people you know about jobs.
New arrivals in Australia don't have any networks, which are so important, especially in getting their first job. This is especially in the case of Asylum Seekers because their families, friends and people they worked with in the past are not in Australia.
In order to help them become better known locally the RCAP has offered to assist asylum seekers associated the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project by placing profiles of individual asylum seekers on their web site for their members. It is hoped that some of these members may be able to assist some of you with your job search or perhaps with work experience opportunities in Australian workplaces.
Note: Below profiles may take a little longer than normal to open.
Country Sri Lanka, seeking career in Sign Writing or Painting
Country Chad, Seeking Career in Legal and Community Development.
Country The Democratic Republic of Congo, seeking career as School Teacher
Country Cameroon in West Africa, seeking career in Laboratory
Country Pakistan, seeking career in the Health Field and in particular in Aged Care
Country Sri Lanka, seeking career in the Computer Field, Customer Service or Food Service
Country Sudan, seeking career in Information Technology
Who Are Aslyum Seekers. Countries which they have fled. CLICKand View
Should you be able assist with any employment opportunities or if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Ian Wavish ianwavish@hotmail.comor Robert Stone on | OFFICIAL VISIT FROM Rotary Club of Melbourne South
OFFICIAL VISIT FROM Rotary Club of Melbourne South
We have arranged for The Rotary Club of Melbourne South to make an Official Club Visit to the Rotary Club of Albert Park, attending our weekly meeting on –
Wednesday, 2nd June
6.00pm for 6.30pm
Lifesaving Victoria Headquarters
Cnr. Todd Road & The Boulevard, Port Melbourne
RC Albert Park was chartered in 1992 by The Rotary Club of Melbourne South and is therefore their "Daughter Club".
The Rotary Club of Melbourne South will gain an insight into Albert Park's projects and meet their members in an atmosphere of warmth and great fellowship.
| June is Rotary Fellowship Month
The month of June is considered as Rotary Fellowship Month in the Rotary calendar. There is a misconception among Rotarians on what aspect
of the RI programs is being celebrated for this month of June. Let us clarify the issue. When we talk about "Rotary Fellowships", we actually refer to the groups of Rotarians, Rotarian spouses and Rotaractors who join together to:
Share a common interest in worthwhile recreational activities (sports, hobbies, etc.);
Further their vocational development through acquaintance with others of the same profession;
Make new friends around the world;
Explore new opportunities for service; and
Have fun and enhance their experience in Rotary.
More Click HERE..
| HEAT Luncheon Invite
Albert Park Rotarians and Friends are once again invited to attend a luncheon proudly put on by the HEAT Program. The Rotary Club of Albert Park continually support these luncheons with members and friends attending and have made donations in the past to help with the special needs the program requires to continue. Click the following to view what HEAT is about
When: Thurday 3rd June, 2010. 12pm.
Cost: $12 includes a 2 course cafe style lunch, non-alcoholic
beverage and tea or coffee.
(or enjoy 3 course's for $17)
Where: SKYS Learning Centre, 62-74 Pickles St, SouthMelbourne, 3205.
How: To make a booking call HEAT on 9696 5340 or email
| Welcome Home Dinner GSE Team Japan
Rotary Club of Wyndham
Welcome Home Dinner
District 9800 GSE Team Back from Japan
Wed 16th June 2010
Click HERE for flyer
| Brandenburg Orchesta
Sunday August 1, 2010
Special Offers to Rotarians
Click HERE for flyer (Colour) Click HERE for flyer (Black and White) | Rosalie Schwank - Exchange Student
Last Wednesday evening our Exchange student Rosalie Schwank attended the clubs meeting and informed members and others about a run her friend Gusten Danielson is doing on Sunday 6th June. Gusten intends to run 100 km in 12 hours, from Tullamarine to Castlemain in order to raise money for the McGrath Breast Cancer Foundation, as his aunt back in Sweden got diagnosed with breast cancer while he was here in Australia, on exchange, and this is his way of supporting her.
Rosalie think's this is a great thing and maybe some of the members of the club would like to support Gusten with a donation! They can do this on the McGrath homepage, his community event number is : CE00745,
if you have any further questions you can contact Gusten on
or on his mobile number: 0458854928 What a wonderful thing it is to see our exchange students be involved with please get behind them and support their
Want to know more about Rosalie's stay in Australia please visit Photo downloads (International Exchange Student)on web page.
| District Governor's Changeover Lunch
The Rotary Club of Toorak invites you to attend the DG Changeover Lunch at CrownPalladium 11.30am for Pre-Luncheon Drinks
Sunday 27 June 2010
Entertainment by Singer/Songwriter Dianna Corcoran - Female Artist of the Year
FREE PARKING in multi level car park - Entrance off Kingsway and Clark Street, Airbridge to Crown. Take ticket to cloak room for validation.
Bookings by Fri 12th June 2010 to: Rotary Club of Toorak, PO Box 397 Toorak Vic 3142
Phone: 0419 357 864 Fax: 03 9509 7935 Email:
Want to view The Rotary Club of Toorak Web Site click the following link -
| The Rotary Club of Albert Park Book Store
Click HERE to download Book Store Flyer
It is located at the Galilee School Building, Parish of Sts Peter & Paul, Cnr Dorcas & Monatague Streets, South Melbourne (at back of church). Currrently it is open each Saturday 10.00am - 2.00 pm.
Great Prices
1000's of Books for Sale - Softbacks, Hardbacks, Collectables, Classics, Crime, Australiana, Sport, Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Childrens, Lit, Art, History, War Photography , Cookbooks, Wine, Gardening, and lots more............
We also have books for sale on our ebay site
where we sellsome of the collectible and antiquarian books that are donated.<>.
Spread the word let your family, friends, neighbours, clubs and organisations know. We appreciate any purchases or any donations. This helps us to raise funds for needy projects that our club wishes to donate to.
Looking to buy books either come into our store at the above address or go online to view our books for sale at ebay or ABE.
If your have any queries please contact Jenny Grebler on 0403841044.
If you have books to donate please contact Henry Michaelsen on 9681 7382 or Greig McEwan on 0417 055 953 and they will arrange a pick up time.
| Book Store Roster
As you are already aware, the Club has been given the opportunity to use The (old) GalileeSchool building at the Parish of Sts Peter & Paul, Cnr Dorcas & Montague Streets, South Melbourne, for our second hand books.
We require 2 people each Saturday and I have split the shifts into 2 hours, if you are able to do the full 4 hours, please place your name in both time slots. Jenny Grebler will be on hand each week and she has a wealth of information about the books. Jenny will need 1 person in the morning and 1 person in the afternoon to help her out.
No prior knowledge of the books is necessary, ALL books will be priced and you will just be required to take money for the sales and help people where needed.
Please respond to
Deb Renshaw-Jones MB: 0438 250 908and let her know what shifts you are able to do for the remainder of May and June.
10AM - 12 PM 12PM - 2PM
Sat Jun 5
1 Jenny Grebler
1 Jenny Grebler
2 Peter Holdsworth
2 Ian Henry
Sat Jun 12
1 Jenny Grebler
1 Jenny Grebler
2 Paul Sullivan
2 Deanne Allan
Sat Jun 19
1 Jenny Grebler
1 Jenny Grebler
2 Rob McIldowie
2 Joan Robison
3 Lorraine McIldowie
Sat Jun 26
1 Jenny Grebler
1 Jenny Grebler
2 Helen Harris
Sat Jul 3
1 Jenny Grebler
1 Jenny Grebler
2 Paul Sullivan
| Door Roster
Please be sure to notify Editor Loretta Michaelsen should you change your allocated time so it can be updated in the bulletin.
June 2010
Gerry Phillips, Deb Renshaw-Jones, Michael Walstab, Ann White
July 2010
John Airey, Stephen Bond, Yvonne Flanders, Helen Harris
If you are unable to fulfill your door duty, please speak to another member and organise a replacement for yourself.
For all other queries about the door roster please contact Paul Sullivan 0412 818144 email
| Community Meals
Rotary Club of Albert Park Community Meals
Want community Meals Instructions. Please login, go to My ClubRunner Box, Click on View Club Documents, then click on Community Meals Instructions.
If you have any issues or changes please contact Paul Flakus by Tuesday each week if you are unavailable OR that they have made alternative changes on 0417 567 747 Phone: 03 9589 1722 Fax: 03 9589 2799 or
Community Meals 1st 2nd Emergency
8th May
Paul Flakus
Ivo Georgiev
David Gorman
15th May
Chris Lovett
Del Lovett
Paul Flakus
22nd May
Paul Flakus
Kerry Kornhauser
29th May
Paul Flakus
Tess McGuigan
Michael Walstab
5th June
Paul Flakus
Ian Wavish
Ken hall
12th June
Paul Flakus
Robert Redpath
Stephen Bond
19th June
Phil Schols
David Gorman
Paul Flakus
26th June
Lorraine McIIdowie
Rob McIldowie
Paul Flakus
| Club Presidents
03-11-92 Club / Chartered
03-11-92/94 Jim Corsie
1993-94 Doug Wade
1994-95 Gad Kolsky
1995-96 Rob Denton
1996-97 Ann White
1997-98 Loryn Clark
1998-99 David Gorman
1999-00 Vicki Teschke
2000-01 Mark Mills
2001-02 Gerry Phillips
2002-03 Clifton Warren
2003-04 Yolanda Pettinato
2004-05 Jessie Bainbridge
2005-06 Jim Prokhovnik
2006-07 Jenny Hunter
2007-08 Ken Hall
2008-09 Ian Henry
2009/2010 Joan Robison
| Past Bulletins
Bulletin Apr 28, 2010 Click HERE Bulletin May 5, 2010 Click HERE
Bulletin May 12, 2010 Click HERE Bulletin May 19, 2010 Click HERE
Bulletin May 26, 2010 Click HERE
Click HERE for Rotary Foundation News Edition 2 | Thats All For This Week by Loretta Michaelsen
That's all for this week. Don't forget members can login into The Rotary Club of Albert Park web site where they are they able to view, print off club documents. ie club directory, club organisational chart, leave of absence forms and more.... need assistance please contact me.
| RCAP greatfully acknowledge the following Sponsors
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