Rotary Club of Albert Park


Monday, August 30, 2010
Club Web Site
Editor:   Loretta Michaelsen
If you have any comments or questions, email the editor.

Future Speakers
Sep 1 2010
Erica Myers-Davis
"Author - Under One Flag"
Sep 8 2010
Sam Bramham
"Wheel Chair Sports Australia"
Oct 13 2010
Trey Keeler - Ambassadorial Scholar
"An American Rotary Scholar Living and Studying in Australia"

Upcoming Events
Aug 28 2010 - Oct 2 2010
Oct 16 2010


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ClubRunner Sponsors
Please visit our Sponsors.
To place your ad click here.

Club Site Sponsors
Bakers Delight 250 Claredon St Sth Melb 3205
Hocking Stuart 332 Montague St Albert Park 3206
Please visit our Club Website Sponsors.
To place your ad click here.
Bulletin No. RCAP...697

Wednesday Aug 25, 2010
Our Club Website Address is

Meeting Wednesday 25th Aug 2010

Please note:  There is NO regular meeting on Wednesday 25Augustat Lifesaving Victoria due to members attending The European Masters.
For those joining us please meet at the NGV foyer @ 6.00pm for Introductory Talk commencing at 6.30pm.

European Masters Exhibition

  Melbourne Winter Master Pieces

Stadel Museum 19th - 20th Century

Wednesday 25 August 2010 
At the Clemenger Auditorium at 6.30pm 
with an
 Introductory Talk on Artists and viewing

Special Offer for Rotary Club of Albert Park

only $30.00 per ticket
(revised price)

So  please ask all your friends to join us

Bookings BY 19 August:
After the Exhibition join us at the

Arts Centre CURVE BAR @ $35 drinks / snacks

European Masters: Städel Museum, 19th-20th Century brings together a remarkable collection of masterpieces from the Städel Museum in Frankfurt, one of the finest collections in Europe. The NGV is truly privileged to host this exhibition, as the Städel have committed only the highlights of its renowned collection of 19th and 20th century European art. Alongside masterpieces by German artists are works by the greatest French, Belgian, Dutch and Swiss masters of the time.  Included are iconic Neo-Classical, Realist, Impressionist and Symbolist works, through to breathtaking German Expressionist paintings and sculpture, rarely seen in Australia.

A high point is the presence of no fewer than ten works by Max Beckmann, the quintessential Expressionist artist. This is an unprecedented opportunity to see a spectacular array of the finest European art spanning the dynamic and transformative years of the 19th and 20th century.

Footy Finals Breakfast

The Rotary Club of Albert Park

Footy Finals Breakfast 2010

File:Australian Football League.svg

Join us for a fun morning of Footy Finals Fever
Special Guest Speakers !!!!

Great Entertainment

Auctions, Raffles

Give aways

and a

Full Sit Down Breakfast

     Friday September 17, 2010    
Point Restaurant Promenade Room

 Albert Park Lake
Cost $55.00  
 7.00am for 7.30am Start

AFL-Geelong-Cats AFL-Colingwood-Magpies St Kilda Football Club's 2006 logo

rsvp Joan Robison 0418 351 762
Deb Renshaw-Jones 0438 250 908

Clich HERE to view/download flyer

All Proceeds to The Reach Foundation

Click the following link to read all about Reach




Next Weeks Speaker - Erica Myers-Davis
by Loretta Michaelsen

Under One Flag: How indigenous and ethnic peoples of the Commonwealth and British Empire helped Great Britain win World War II. Author: Erica Myers-Davis "I think this is one of the most important books on World War II for the classroom as it shows what an amazing contribution that people of colour have made." Lance Corporal Johnson Beharry VC Under One Flag tells the stories of the unsung heroes and heroines of World War II from across the world. With personal forewords from Prince Harry and Lance Corporal Johnson Beharry VC, the first serving recipient of the Victoria Cross since 1969, it emphasises the vital contribution made by those from the Commonwealth and British Empire who volunteered during World War II  and more......

                        Under One Flag: How Indigenous and Ethnic Peoples of the Commonwealth and British Empire Helped Great Britain Win World War II


This article has been copied from the Foundation Newsletter Edition 1. 2010-2011 August 2010. Click HERE to read/download Foundation Newsletter

German Ambassadorial Scholar, Clemens Witt received a warm welcome from the other inbound scholars when he arrived in July. To celebrate his 30th birthday a few days after arrival he was taken out for  dinner in Lygon St Carlton by a gorgeous contingent of our inbound scholars here permanently.

Clemens is a man steeped in Rotary having been in Rotaract for 10 years, held the office of District Governor (Rotaract) in Germany and has attended 5 International Conventions. Now there's a challenge for RD9800 Rotarians to match!

Clemens has been assigned to RC Albert Park where his host counsellors, Henry & Loretta Michaelsen, share some close associations – Henry & Clemens mothers came from the same town in Germany.


Read more about Clemens on the following site German Rotaractor visits 60 clubs in 1 year raising funds for ShelterBox


Last Weeks Speaker Michael Dee

Last week we had the pleasure of Michael Dee from "Harvesting Funds Management" speak and give a detailed presentation at our meeting.

Michael spoke about China and the USA the volatility in trade and the many things that influence the market. What is at risk, how does it affect the countries.

We would like to thank Michael very much for attending our meeting and presenting a most interesting topic.




Donation to Oxfam

How Good are Members from The Rotary Club of Albert Park.

Last week Albert Park Rotarian Kevin Mooney requested that members assist with a donation towards an event his son was doing with Oxfam.

His large hat was passed around with members contributing spare change from their pockets.  At the end of the evening Kevin was asked how much did he collect.

His reply was -

That's a bit of a tall order to ask me how much is in the hat.  It's so full of money, I'll need a weekend to count it!!! 


Kevin sends many thanks to all for this. His  son and his Oxfam Walk colleagues are delighted.  The funds will go in as a donation from RCAP.  As advised they have created a record by raising all of the pledges before the walk.

Value raised was $146.85 with Kevin topping it up to $150.00.


Below is the link if you want any details of the team.  Our donation will be posted on the site over the next few days.



Guess who is in the Photo

Someone special from our CLUB!!!!  Who it it. Which one is he. Clue "1967"

He has this week and next before he has to name all of the players in this picture. How good will his memory be!!!

Door Roster


August 2010
Alan Adams, Deanne Alan, Vicki Bird, Liz De Nitis (Ann White)
September 2010

John Airey, Rosie Annois, Ray Pape, Yvonne Conn

October 2010

Brian Beaumont, Judy Nicholson, Alan Fitzgerald, Helen Harris

November 2010
Richard Goss, Maxine Miller, Kevin Mooney, Ken Hall

December 2010
Greg Mc Ewan, Loretta Michaelsen, Henry Michaelsen, Tessa McGuigan

If you are unable to fulfill your door duty, please speak to another member and organise a replacement for yourself.
For all other queries about the door roster please contact Terry Moroney 0409 006 285

The Rotary Club of Albert Park Book Store

The Rotary Club of Albert Park  BOOK STORE

  Located at the Galilee School Building, Parish of Sts Peter & Paul, Cnr Dorcas & Monatague Streets, South Melbourne (at back of church).

Currrently it is open each Saturday 10.00am - 2.00 pm.

Great Prices   1000's of Secondhand Books for Sale - Softbacks, Hardbacks, Collectables, Classics, Crime, Australiana, Sport, Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Childrens, Lit, Art, History, War Photography , Cookbooks, Wine, Gardening, and lots more............
Spread the word, let your family, friends, neighbours, clubs and organisations know. We appreciate all purchases and all donations. 

If your have any queries please contact Jenny Grebler on 0403841044 or should you have books to donate please contact Henry Michaelsen on 9681 7382 or Greig McEwan on 0417 055 953 and they will arrange a pick up time.

Book Store Roster

Many thanks for all who worked in our book shop on election day.

The club took takings of $1,475.00

Great Work from a Great Team

Book Club Roster   -   VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!  Aug, Sept & Oct.
No prior knowledge of the books is necessary. Jenny will be there to assist you with all dealings. All books will be priced and you will just be required to take money for the sales and help people where needed. Please respond to Deb Renshaw-Jones MB: 0438 250 908 and let her know what shifts you are able to do.


Morning 10am - 12pm

Afternoon 12pm - 2pm

Saturday 28th August

1. Jenny Grebler


1. Jenny Grebler 


Saturday 4th September

1. Jenny Grebler


1. Jenny Grebler


Saturday 11September

1. Jenny Grebler

2. Yvonne Flanders

1. Jenny Grebler



Saturday 18 September

1. Jenny Grebler


1. Jenny Grebler


Saturday 25 September






Saturday 2nd October








Community Meals

Rotary Club of Albert Park Community Meals

Want community Meals Instructions. Please login, go to My ClubRunner Box, Click on View Club Documents, then click on Community Meals Instructions. 


Please Note that each server is responsible to ensure that any changes are advised to Paul on 0417 567 747 or email 


ROSTER JULY - Aug 2010
Date Captain Co-Server Emergency
Aug 28

J Robison &

Y Conn

Paul Flakus Jim Prokhovnik

Sept 4

Paul Flakus Greig Mc Ewan Kate Staniforth
Sept 11 Paul Flakus Ivo Georgiev David Gorman
Sept 18 Chris Lovett Del Lovett Paul Flakus
Sept 25 Paul Flakus Tess McGuigan Richard Goss
Oct 2

L McIldowie

Rob McIldowie Ian Henry



Web Site Links

Note:      Past Bulletins are available for viewing or printing from our web page.

There are also direct links to Rotary District 9800, Networker, Rotary International and many more. 



Thats All For This Week
by Loretta Michaelsen

That's all for this week. 
Don't forget I am always looking for items of interest to publish. Please send me details of projects you may be involved with together with any photo's you may have as I am more than happy to publish them to share with our members.

Club Presidents

Club Chartered

Jim Corsie

Doug Wade

Gad Kolsky

Rob Denton

Ann White

Loryn Clark

David Gorman

Vicki Teschke

Mark Mills

Gerry Phillips

Clifton Warren

Yolanda Pettinato

Jessie Bainbridge

Jim Prokhovnik
Jenny Hunter
Ken Hall
Ian Henry

Joan Robison

Michael Perry