"The e-Sunriser"

Arlington Sunrise Rotary's weekly on-line newsletter

P.O. Box 387   Arlington, Texas 76004-0387         Telephone 817-633-1645   www.arlingtonsunriserotary.com
Happy New Year!
Friday, January 5, 2018
This week's Program:

Club Assembly

     Unfortunately, our featured speaker for this Friday morning, Don Graves, a WWII Veteran and Iwo Jima survivor, has been hospitalized and had to cancel. We hope to get him re-scheduled soon.

     So in place of a program, we had a "Club Assembly", where each Director was given a few minutes to present information to the Club on the projects they are working on.
January 12       Aldo Fritz, Downtown Arlington Management Organization

January 19       Craig Lidell, Stock Picks

January 26       Jay Warren, Arlington's Dream Team Digital Ambassador

February 2        Chaplin Rich Stoglin, Afghanistan

     Want to see a particular speaker or do you want a particular subject matter presented? Do you know of anyone who has a program that might be of interest to our membership?
     Let Will Ross know - reach him at  rosswill@sbcglobal.net.

January 12       Mark Gist (1), Ken Gooch (2), Kevin Hadawi

January 19       Charles Hall (1), Ken Hampton (2), Jake Hardin

January 26       Bill Harnagel (1), Al Hethcock (2), Matt Hines

February 2       Debbie Hogan (1), J.P. Humphrey (2), John Hyde

(1) Prayer & Pledge,  (2) Introduce Visiting Rotarians and Guests 
January 12       Chris Wade

January 19       Curt Osiek

January 26       Steve Willey

February 2        Henry Armstrong
January 12         Colby Van Sickler

January 19         Al Hethcock

January 26         Henry Armstrong

February 2         David Berg
     For the month of November, 2017, the Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club achieved a 91.81% attendance.
     Thornton Elementary could use our help in setting up the stage for their upcoming musical performance. If you could spare a couple of hours of time on Monday, January 8, please help out at the school.  The time will be approximately 9:00 AM til noon.  About 4-6 people are needed. 

     And then on January 12, it's time to hand out tablets to a boy and a girl who had perfect attendance. Come and help in the celebration!
January 8            Stage hand work at Thornton. See Mark Cloud.

January 12          Perfect Attendance Tablet Giveaway at Thornton Elementary - 8:30

February 3          S.T.E.M. Day, Adams Elementary 
February 6          Sunrise Rotary Board Meeting, 7 a.m., David's BBQ
March 1 - 4          P.E.T.S. (President-Elect Training Series), Hyatt Regency, DFW 
March 6               Sunrise Rotary Board Meeting, 7 a.m., David's BBQ

April 21-22          Sunrise Rotary "New" Board Retreat
April 28                Adoption Awareness Picnic, Fielder Church
May 19-20            District Conference, DFW Hyatt

     Please REPORT your "volunteer hours"!  One of this Rotary year's focuses is tracking the number of volunteer hours given by Rotarians. So, if you are a team captain, committee chairman, or merely a part of a group of people who perform a project or service, please send an email to Dwayne Lee at southernflair@sbcglobal.net  to report the number of volunteer hours expended so that we can report to Rotary International.
Ways to do a "Make-up"
  1. Go to: https://www.rotaryeclubone.org/programs.htm and watch a video or read an article.
  2. Attend a Sunrise Rotary social event. (Christmas party and other Sunrise social gatherings)
  3. Work on a Sunrise Rotary project (flags,PhasedIn, Blood drive, Highland games, etc.)
  4. Attend a Sunrise Rotary Board meeting. (1st Tuesday, 7:00 a.m., David's BBQ)
  5. If you're in a travel status, get the Rotary Club Finder app for your smartphone and find a Club in/near the town you are visiting - even outside of the United States!
  6. Attend another local Rotary Club meeting. There are seven other Rotary Clubs in Arlington that you can make up at. Here's a list of them:
    • Arlington North Rotary, Monday at Noon, Texas Land & Cattle, N. Arlington
    • Arlington West Rotary, Tuesday at Noon, Shady Valley Golf Club
    • Arlington Highlands Rotary, Tuesday at 6 p.m., Dave & Busters in the Highlands
    • Arlington Sunset Rotary, Tuesday at 6 p.m., J. Gilligan's on E. Abram
    • Arlington Rotary, Thursday at Noon, 1st United Methodist Church
    • Arlington Great Southwest Rotary, Thursday at 6 p.m., Humperdink's @ 6 Flags
    • Arlington South Rotary, Friday at Noon, Spring Creek BBQ, S. Cooper
Here's the catch:

     You literally have a whole month in order to work your "make up" into your busy schedule - within 2 weeks prior to the meeting you will miss and within 2 weeks after the meeting you miss.

So you see, there really is no valid excuse  for you not having PERFECT ATTENDANCE.
 But there is one major step to ensure your make-up is validated - you must report it to Club Secretary Sheri Hall at  sherilhall@gmail.com.


 President                                     Steve Dixon
 President Elect                         Shane Ferrell
Secretary                                        Sheri Hall
Treasurer                             Jonathan Januta
Membership                                 Don Ferrell
 Sargent-at-Arms                     James Watson
Administration                            Dwayne Lee
Community Services 1             Sam Thomas
 Community Services 2                 Alan Walter
Youth Services                             Mark Cloud
Vocational Services                  Kevin Barlow
Foundation                                       Chip May
International Services                 Samir Ahuja
Special Programs                       Cindy Wright

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