Service Above Self
Rotary Club of Amarillo


Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Club Web Site
Editor:   John Kanelis
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Wheels for Nov 10
by John Kanelis

Get ready for an election: The Rotary Club of Amarillo is getting ready to elect a new slate of officers for the 2012-13 Rotary year. We have an outstanding field of candidates who have agreed to stand for election to the board and for president-elect. We'll be electing three board members from a field of six candidates. Those who have agreed to run for board member are: David O'Dell, Gay Chalfant, Peter Boyce, Betty Keith, Rocky Gafford and Shara Hinchey.

Our candidates for president-elect (who will become club president after Renee Wilson's term expires June 30, 2013, are: Lea Ann Fulton and Mike Good. The election will occur next month.

Kathryn Weigand's program updated us on how the Amarillo Area Foundation plans to implement use of a $1.3 million grant awarded to Amarillo to help the community boost its educational levels and prepare for the future. "We are collecting data that tells how Amarillo is doing educationally," Kathryn said. The goal of the grant is to boost the percentage of our population with post-secondary education and increase the percentage of those with a high school diploma. "We're looking for at-risk children" to help in this effort, Kathryn said. Amarillo was one of four communities to get the grant; the others are Raleigh-Durham, N.C., Brownsville, and Charlotte, N.C. The program is called the Partners for Postsecondary Success and is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has done great work worldwide in funding research on all types of endeavors -- including the Rotary International Polio Plus initiative. The AAF deserves the community's support as it seeks ways to boost educational standards for our children. Thanks for a great program, Kathryn.

Change is afoot -- maybe -- for the Rotary Club of Amarillo. We're planning a Jan. 5 vote among the members on whether to change our meeting place. We'll be trying out a possible new venue for the next several weeks as the year draws to a close. We'll be meeting this week at the Country Club; there will be no noon meeting on Thanskgiving Thursday (Nov. 24); On Dec. 1, District Governor David Norris is our program at the Country Club; we'll have no noon meeting Dec. 8; then we move to the Amarillo Club (31st floor) on Dec. 15 and again on Jan. 5. We have no noon meetings on Dec. 22 and 29. The issue revolves around the cost increases that are coming and whether we want to stay at the Country Club or move downtown to the top floor of the Chase Tower; related to the cost increases is a possible change in our lunch menu offerings. Details will be forthcoming.

Regarding Dec. 8: The reason we aren't meeting that day is because that evening we'll be gathering for our annual Christmas party at the Amarillo Club. Drinks will be served at 6:30 p.m., with dinner served at 7. Please let Gina know as soon as possible whether you plan to attend this annual event. A good time will be had by all.

Melvin Edes is offering to ship some of his prized beef jerky to our troops serving overseas. If you want to buy some jerky bags to send to our brave warriors, it's $7 per bag. We'll have sign-up sheets available.

Group Study Exchange announcement: District 5730 has chosen its GSE team that will travel next spring to the Dominican Republic for four weeks in a life-changing exchange with District 4060. The team leader is Dianne Anderson, an outstanding Rotarian from Midland. The GSE committee met recently in Lubbock and selected as team members: Gentrye Houghton (sponsored by Amarillo West), who runs a rock-climbing business in Amarillo with her husband; Kim Bruce (sponsored by Canyon), a mass communications instructor at WT; Amanda Paggett (sponsored by Midland West), who works for a hotel company in Midland; and Brett Turnage (sponsored by Midland West), who also works in the hotel industry. This is a great team and your GSE committee looks forward to preparing them for the adventure of their lives.

Our sincere appreciation to:

President Early
for presiding.
David O'Dell
and Renee Wilson for leading us in song.
Melvin Edes
for his invocation.
Corinna Isbell
for introducing guests and visiting Rotarians.
Tom Higley
for selling Rotary Foundation tickets (the pot, by the way, is more than $1,300).
Jeff Neely and Basil Walker
for greeting us.
And Gary Mitchell
for serving as program chair for November.