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The Rotator - Archive Feb 27, 2003
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Officers & Directors 2002-2003

President David McKechnie
President Elect Greg Bover
Treasurer John Morse, CPA</ td>
Secretary Samuel J. Miceli
Asst. Secretary    Bob O'Maley
Directors Bruce Horne  David Babson
Joe Ciolino Jim Marr
James Marr Donald Sudbay, Jr.

The Rotary Club of Gloucester, MA, U.S.A.

District 7930 Governor Victor F. Saldanha

Chartered 1923

"Where Route 128 Begins"

District Website:


Missed and Missing...Rick Doucette, Rudy Macchi, Karl Muench, Jim Perry, Brad Pierce, Marc Sandler, John Scuccimarra, Pat Thorp.  Today's attendance is 41 present with 1 makeups out of 48 members for an average of 87%.


Meeting Report: Gloucester Rotary Club                             February 25, 2003


Visiting Rotarians

     Tom Wheatley was visiting from the Rockport Club


Guests of Rotarians

     Jim Marr's guest was today's guest speaker, State Police Lieutenant Elaine Gill.

     Steve Dexter had Dominic Francis, from Seaside Glass, as his guest.


Interact Club

     No members from the Interact Club were present today.



     John Dugger made up in Osterville.


Happy Thoughts

     Steve Kaity was happy the local Girl Scout Troup sold 1600 boxes of cookies to be shipped overseas to the troops.  Steve now has to figure out how to get the treats to the troops - shipping costs are the fly in the ointment.

     Carol Sharoff was happy the the West Parish Science Park received a $10,000 grant from Toyota.

     Cheryl Collins was happy to have hosted the latest Chamber Buisness  Evening Exchange. Cheryl was also happy to have her shop, Ocean Optical, used as a location for the upcoming Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear movie to be filmed locally.

     Herb Goodick was happy to be at Rotary today. 

     Tony Carrao was unhappy to be stuck in Virginia during the recent snowstorm.  Tony's plow crew went though two transmissions and a garage door without his supervision.


Anniversaries & Birthdays

     No anniversaries or birthdays were reported today.



     Steve Dexter was fined for not knowing if a proposed new member was a man or a woman.

     David McArdle was fined for the GDT's feature article.

     Barry Pett was fined for calling President David and telling him to cancel our meeting last week because the sky was falling.  24 inches of snow later, Cameron's was open for lunch.  Barry was also fined for taking 43 seconds to ask a question of our guest speaker today.  Barry, do you ever wonder why your fellow Rotarians always look at their watches when you ask a question?  Their might be a pool going to time your next one!

     Jim Marr was fined for the series of guest speakers he lined up for the month of February  - they all had to do with "crime and punishment".

     Howard Frisch was fined for being antsy to adjourn the meeting today.



    Tom Consolati went to Santa Barbara,  Carol Sharoff went to Sunny River, Don Sudbay went to Tahoe, New Mexico, John Dugger and daughter Sam went to Vermont. Greg Bover was fined for 5 weeks of working in Switzerland, and President David went to Jay Peak.


A Rotary Moment

     The next Rotary Moment will be given by Shirley Conway, followed the week after by Tom Consolati.


Club News

     President David announced the third reading of proposed new members Attorney Catherine Henry, and the second reading for Steve Curcuru, owner of Cameron's Restaurant.

     President David is looking for some company for a District Dinner.  The World Peace dinner will be held on March 18.  Check with David if you can attend.

     Steve Kaity and John Scuccimarra reported today on the Supermarket Sweep to be held at Shaw's on Eastern Avenue.  The tickets are selling now and the drawing will be held on April 27.  The cost of each ticket will be $2.00.  First prize will be the 3-minute Supermarket Spree, 2nd prize $250 gift certificate, and 3rd prize will be a $100 gift certificate.  Each Rotarian is expected to buy or sell 40 tickets.



Winners and Losers...Tony Carrao won the Beverage of choice, but the Cameron's wait staff nerve severed the beverage.  Mike Costello won the money, Julie Sidon won the flowers. No winner in the card raffle.


Speakers....Jim Marr had State Police Lieutenant Elaine Gill as our guest speaker today.  Lieutenant Gill works out of Essex County District Attorney Office working on murder investigations.


Lunch Rating...Meals will be rated by stars, with 5 stars being the best.  Today, we dined on chicken cordon bleu with rice and vegetables.  The diners at my table gave the food 5 stars.  When asked what would improve the meal, the diners said it was just fine.



Sow The Seeds Of Love

The Rotary International Theme for 2002-2003



G. Everett Mahony, Inc.