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The Rotator - Archive Jan 27, 2004
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Officers & Directors 2003-2004

President Greg Bover
President Elect Joe Ciolino
Treasurer Jon Morse, CPA
Secretary Samuel J. Miceli
Asst.Secretary    Carole Sharoff
Directors Jim Marr- Club Service  Bruce Horne-Vocational Service

Steve Dexter-At Large

Mary Black -At Large

Sinikka Nogelo -International Service Joe Ciolino-Pres. Elect

The Rotary Club of Gloucester, MA, U.S.A.

District 7930 Governor Paul E. Nader Sr.

Chartered 1923

"Where Route 128 Begins"

District Website:


Missed and Missing... Josh Arnold, Scott Chernov, Alex Delis, Sal Frontiero, Steve Kaity, Bill Mantz, Dave McArdle, David McKechnie, Jim McKennnna, Bob O'Maley, Marc Sandler, John Scuccimarra, David Slade, Don Sudbay Jr., and Sue Todd.  Today's attendance is 41 present with 1 makeup out of 54 members for an average of 77%.


Meeting Report: Gloucester Rotary Club                             January 27, 2004


Visiting Rotarians

      Barbara Ellis and John Thompson were visiting from the Rockport Club.


Guests of Rotarians

      No guests of Rotarians were present today.


Interact Club

      Interact members were not present today.



      Jim Mar made up at the Rockport Club.

Happy Thoughts

       Herb Goodick was happy to announce that he is leaving for a 2 month stay in Florida.

       Barbara Ellis was also happy to announce the start of a 10 day trip.

       Cheryl Collins is happy to be going to the Dominican Republic to help out with other fellow eye vision professionals.  Good luck Cheryl, and safe travels to you and the group!

       Ruth Pino had her first staff meeting as the boss. Ruth was also happy to have received an award at the Chamber Anniversary Dinner as the best Chamber Ambassador of the year.  Ruth's happiness continues with the surprise that her picture is on the Chamber website. 

        Dave Stotzer was happy to announce he is going to grad school for a degree in journalism.

        Pat Thorpe was happy to have won an all expense paid trip at the Chamber dinner.  The only problem is that the trip is to Sturbridge Village.  Pat, I have heard that the village has $$$ problems, you might want to redeem the offer quickly!

          Joe Parisi was happy he was able to keep a secret from Mike Costello concerning his 25 Chamber anniversary surprise.  Mike, it makes you wonder how many other secrets they are keeping from you!

          Cheryl Collins was happy to have received such a beautiful cake from Cameron's for her birthday today.

Anniversaries & Birthdays

        Cheryl Collins celebrated her birthday today.  No anniversaries were reported today.



         President Greg issued a late fine today.

         Barbra Ellis and John Thompson were fined for sitting together.

         Members who have not signed up for selling tickets at Shaw's were fined today.


         No vacations were reported today.


A Rotary Moment

        The next Rotary Moment will be given by Marc Sandler followed by the week after by John Scuccimara and Julie Sidon.

Club News

         The Board of Directors will meet on February 12, at 7:30 am at C. B. Fisk Company.

         Shorecliff and Rotary are joining forces to staff the kitchen at the Open Door Pantry from 4:00 to 6:30 pm on February 25, an March 24.  The address is at 38 Emerson Avenue.  Please signup with Shirley Conway and pick a date.

         Mike Costello announced that on February 25, a "team bowling" event to benefit the Seafood Festival will take place at the Cape Ann Bowling Center.


Winners and Losers... No won the beverage of choice. Joanne Carbone won the money, and Bob Ryan won the flowers.  No winners today in the card raffle.


Speakers....  Today was declared a Development Day; no speaker was scheduled.


Lunch Rating...   Meals will be rated by 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best. Today we dined on pot roast and vegetables.  The dinners at my table gave the food 5 stars.  When asked what would improve the meal the dinners suggested it was just fine.

Lend a Hand

The Rotary International Theme for 2003-2004