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The Rotator - Archive Jul 13, 2004
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Officers & Directors


President Joe Ciolino 2004-05
President Elect Jim Marr     2005-06
Treasurer Jon Morse, CPA
Sargents At Arms

Cheryl Collins

Rick Doucette

Secretary     Carole Sharoff

Don Sudbay Jr. -Club Service      2006-07

Sinikka Nogello

Vocational Service  2008-09

Bruce Horne Community-Service       2007-08

Steve Kaity          

 at - Large


Ruth Pino -International Service       2009-10 Joe Parisi at Large
Celebrate 100 years of Rotary

The Rotary Club of Gloucester, MA, U.S.A.

District 7930 Governor  Donna Marie D'Agostino.

Chartered 1923

Oldest Fishing Port in the United States

District Website:


Missed and Missing... Dennis Acker, Joan Carbone, Scott Chernov, Shirley Conway, Alex Delis, Charlene Glynn, Bill Mantz, Dave McArdle, Jim McKenna, Fran Mondello, George Roark, Marc Sandler, John Scuccimarra, Sue Todd, and Cayte Ward. Today's attendance is 39 present with 6 makeups out of 52 members for an average of 85%.


Meeting Report: Gloucester Rotary Club                             July 13, 2004


Visiting Rotarians

      Brian McCook from the East Long Meadow, Massachusetts,  Barbara & Bob Ellis and Chase Christ visiting from the Rockport Club, and Dave Gott from the Boise Metro Club, Idaho.


Guests of Rotarians

      Mike Gigliotti had his wife Miriam and his sister Adele Castle as his guests today.  Jim Marr had Clara Gaudette and Nicole Richon Schoel  from HAWK as his guests today.  Rick Doucette had Dr. Brian Orr, our guest speaker today, as his guest.


Interact Club

     Interact members are on summer vacation.



     Don Sudbay Jr., Donna Morris, and Charlene Glynn  made up in Rockport. Mike Costello, Jim Marr, Steve Kaity, Barry Pett and Joe Parisi made up at the Manchester/Essex Club.


A Rotary Moment

    The next Rotary Moment will be given by Alex Delis, followed by Rick Doucette and John Dugger.


 Birthdays & Anniversaries

     Steve Kaity celebrated his birthday today.  Catherine Henry celebrated 18 "wonderful" years of marriage.  Julie Sidon is celebrating the 5th anniversary of buying the farm.



      Sinikka Nogelo visited New Found Lake, Maine.  Chas Christ spent 2 weeks in upper New York State.  Bob and Barbara Ellis went on a European road trip with Chorus North Shore.  Carole Sharoff went to Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho.  Rick Doucette spent a week in Las Vagas and Don Sudbay Jr. also spent three days there. Jim Marr came up a winner after spending four days at Mohegan Sun.


Happy Thoughts

      Barry Pett was happy to have survived the 4th of July fireworks - literally!  Barry received a bad boo boo from a wild firecraker.  Barry wanted to do "show and tell" and reveal his  wound, but members suggested he keep his pants on!  Barry thanked the Building Center and Joe Parisi for leaving his party on Rogers street to help solve some last minute crisis for the Horibles Parade.

      Bob Ryan was happy to be installed into the Gloucester Hall of Fame for his high school golf and football playing.  Congrats to Bob.

      Jim Marr was happy to give Joe Parisi a check to become a Sustaining Member of the Rotary Foundation....Remember, our goal is "Every Rotarian, $100,  Every Year." Thank you, Jim!

       David McKechnie is happy that Steve Kaity is quitting smoking for his birthday (July 14).  Here is an offer you can't refuse, Steve - as long as you stay off cigaretts, you are immune to all fines  while I am President. HOWEVER, Steve, if you go back to smoking I am going to expect a buck a week untill you go off cigaretts again!  Do we have a deal?  

      Mike Costello was happy to have been asked to install our club officers, and preside for the same at Manchester/Essex.  Mike had the pleasure of installing his son, Chris, as the president of the Manchester/Essex Rotary Club.

       Greg Bover was happy to be late, not have to care.....Greg are you sure you do not want it back?

        John Dugger was happy to be sitting (by chance) next to a visiting Rotarian who happened to know his father.

        Tony Carrao was happy to have survived camping with his nieces and nephew, plus he received the Grand Prize for the best float during the Horribles Parade.

         Rick Doucette was happy that the bonfire went off well in Lanesville, plus he had family staying for a week.



         President Joe fined David Babson for dozing off during his innagural speech. 

         Dave Stotzer paid fines for his and his dog's photo in the paper, and for feeding the meters on Main Street.

          Rotatrians who did not attend the club swearing in ceremony were fined today.

          Just a note on fines, I will not fine any Rotarian for being late, or for how they are dressed.  Please try to make the meetings, late or not, wearing whatever you wear to work.


Club News

           Thank you to Becky Sumner for taking notes for me!  I will be seeking help from my fellow Rotarians to take notes for me during our meetings.  I promise I'll try not to ask you more than once!

            A challenge!  Carroll K. Steele Insurance has put up a chalange to all club members.  Carrol K. Steele Insurance will match up to $600 for a donation to the Cape Ann Synphony's Pops Concert to be held on July 31st at Stage Fort Park.  Your $100 donation will turn into $200. Please, let's take advantage of Steve Dexter and match the $600 for a donation of $1200 to the Summer Pops!


Winners and Losers... Mike Costello won the beverage of choice. Jim Marr won the money, and Carole Sharoff won the flowers.  No winners today in the card raffle.


Speakers....  Vice President Jim Marr presented Nicole Richon Schoel, repesenting HAWK.  Nicole spoke about the good work the associations does protecting abused women.

                     Rick Doucette introduced Dr. Brian Orr as our guest speaker.  Dr. Orr spoke about an orphanage he is working with in Honduras.


Lunch Rating...   Meals will be rated by 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best. Today we dined on caesar salad rollups and bread pudding.  The dinners at my table gave the food 4 stars.  When asked what would improve the meal the diners suggested improving the dresssing on the rollup.

Celebrate Rotary

The Rotary International Theme for 2004-2005