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The Rotator - Archive Nov 4, 2003
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Officers & Directors 2003-2004

President Greg Bover
President Elect Joe Ciolino
Treasurer Jon Morse, CPA
Secretary Samuel J. Miceli
Asst.Secretary    Carole Sharoff
Directors Jim Marr- Club Service  Bruce Horne-Vocational Service

Steve Dexter-At Large

Mary Black -At Large

Sinikka Nogelo -International Service Joe Ciolino-Pres. Elect

The Rotary Club of Gloucester, MA, U.S.A.

District 7930 Governor Paul E. Nader Sr.

Chartered 1923

"Where Route 128 Begins"

District Website:


Missed and Missing... Leo Bergeron, Shirley Conway, Steve Curcuru, Rick Doucette, Sal Fronterio, Charlene Glynn, Neil Mathews, Jim McKenna, Fran Mondello, Jon Morse, Sinikka Nogelo, Bob O'Maley, John Scuccimarra.  Today's attendance is 43 present with 3 makeups out of 53 members for an average of 86%


Meeting Report: Gloucester Rotary Club                             November 4, 2003


Visiting Rotarians

     No visiting Rotarians today      


Guests of Rotarians

     Sue Todd had Barbara St. Pierre, our speaker today, as her guest .  Dennis Acker had Cynthia Brewer as his guest today.  Barry Pett had Donna Lind as his guest today. 


Interact Club

     Interact members were not present today.



     Anthony Corrao made up in Manchester/Essex and also at the Rockport Club.  Joe Parisi made up on a sea cruise.

Happy Thoughts

     David Babson is happy to finally be moved into his new office at 58 Middle Street.

    George Roark was happy that a plan to set fire to the house next to his house was never put into action. 

    Jim Perry is happy that his son is at a stage in his life where he is now filling out college applications.  Jim and Nina may be looking at a new den shortly!

    Joe Parisi was unhappy to have been told by school administrators that there are not enough textbooks for children to take home and study. Joe asked the question, "are there enough footballs to go around?"

Anniversaries & Birthdays

     George Roark and Sue Todd celebrated their birthdays today.    Joe Ciolino was happy to be celebrating the anniversary of his landslide victory two years ago for the Ward One City Council seat.


     President Greg fined Alex Delis for looking at a game on TV during the O'Maley School field cleanup.

      Scott Chernov was fined for being a winner.  No one ever doubted that Scott was a "winner".



      Don Sudbay went to Palm Beach, Sue Todd vacationed in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Vermont.  Pat Thorp went to Las Vegas on a strictly business trip.  Donna Morris went on a see-a-new-grandaughter trip.

       President Greg fined Joe Ciolino for "advertising his campaign" today.  (Greg was not aware that Joe was running uncontested.)

        A late fine and a pin fine were both administered today.


A Rotary Moment

    The next Rotary Moment will be given by Bob O'Malley, followed by the week after by Jim Perry and Barry Pett.

Club News

     Ruth Pino won the photo contest with 45 right answerers and won the $50 gift certificate to Passports.  Bob Ryan was second and Jim Perry was third.  The losers received the club's best wishes!


Winners and Losers... Mark Sandler won the beverage of choice, Catherine Henry won the money, and George Roark won the flowers.  No winners today in the card raffle.


Speakers....  Sue Todd introduced out guest speaker today, Barbara St. Pierre.  Barbara, who is the Clinical Director for the Child Development Project, talked about how Child Development will use grant money it has just been awarded for the prevention of child sexual abuse.


Lunch Rating...   Meals will be rated by 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best. Today we dined on salad and baked fish.  The dinners at my table gave the food 5+ stars.  When asked what would improve the meal the dinners suggested it was just fine.



Lend a Hand

The Rotary International Theme for 2003-2004



G. Everett Mahony, Inc.