Top Golf Fundraiser, May 19, 2019
The Rotary Club of Castle Pines’ support of the Warrior Bonfire Program is instrumental in building guilt
free and productive lives as well as strong familial relationships for the Purple Heart Recipients we serve.
Mike Foss, President of Warrior Bonfire Program
The Castle Pines Rotary has been very supportive in helping Rock Canyon High School create an Interact Club that
gives back to our community. In addition, this year Rotary has been key in helping us build the Peaceful Schools
Program which will allow our high school students to mentor elementary students by teaching and implementing
the 4 pillars of Rotary.
Nikki Dobos,, Interact Advisor at Rock Canyon High School
I will be forever grateful to the RotaTry Club of Castle Pines for affording me the opportunity to
attend RYLA. My hope is that all students are able to have a similar experience as it was one that
changed my life forever. In a world of extreme peer pressure and competition, my week at RYLA
gave me time to discover my personal strengths and allowed me to build the skill of empathy. I
made lifelong friendships with people who are uniquely different than me and, most importantly,
reminded me of all I have to be grateful for. Thank you.
Hunter Graham. Student at Rock Canyon High School
Please accept our thanks for the excellent breakfast and even better company on September
11 here at Station 39. It means a lot to my crew and me that you all took the time and made
the effort to show your appreciation and support for us on such a sorrowful day for the Fire
Service and our great county. We are blessed to have the appreciation and support of the
Rotary Club of Castle Pines.
Lt. Taylor L. Stephens, !! Station 39-B Shift
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Youth Education & Safety in Schools (Y.E.S.S.) Program has a
long standing and valued partnership with the Rotary of Castle Pines. The Rotary helps the Y.E.S.S.
Program with 2 of our suicide prevention trainings, ASIST and SafeTALK by providing support in
setting up classrooms, helping with registration and participant support, providing food for participants
and trainers, and getting the word out to their networks about these important trainings. The Rotary
also helps the Y.E.S.S. Program out at our community Parent Academies by talking with Parents
about the Y.E.S.S. Program and the partnership between our organizations. All of which is
invaluable and well received by our communities. The Rotary has truly enhanced the Y.E.S.S.
Program, our staff, and everything we do. We truly appreciate everyone involved!
Phyllis Harvey, 90C7, Program Coordinator
Youth Education & Safety in Schools (Y.E.S.S.) PROGRAM