Dear Club President and Membership Chair:
You will find letters that you can download listed in the menu to the left under "Files".  These were developed to help inform and welcome new members to your Rotary club, based on the belief that new Rotarians benefit from understanding the basic tenants of Rotary as well as specific information about your club.
There are a total of twelve letters to be sent each week (or whatever interval you decide) after a new member is inducted into your club.
Letter No. 1               Welcome to Rotary
Letter No. 2               Communications
Letter No. 3               Classifications, 4 Way Test, Code of Conduct
Letter No. 4               Basics of Rotary
Letter No. 5               Club Service, Object of Rotary, Avenues of Service
Letter No. 6               Vocational Service
Letter No. 7               Community Service
Letter No. 8               International Service
Letter No. 9               Youth Service
Letter No. 10             The Rotary Foundation
Letter No. 11             Attendance
Letter No. 12             Sponsoring a New Member         
The letters are created so you may customize them specifically for your club. You can update them each year with any new information you may wish to add. Please make these modifications to fit your specific club before sending out the letters by email or mail.  You are welcome to cut, paste and modify each letter as you see fit.
Yellow highlighted is an alert that you will need your club specific information to be inserted.
We hope this will supplement and assist with your new member orientation.  Our sole purpose is to make sure our new members feel welcome and have a sense of pride in joining Rotary. We want to engage them and keep them in our clubs!
Thank you.